

How to speak to the physician

A recurring problem we encounter with our families and caregivers at Centennial Adultcare Center is frustration with their physician in not “fixing” the difficulty they are having with their loved one. Many of this issue occur because their time with the physician is short, their loved one is often with them, and they often fail [...]

Harmonizing Life’s Triple Act: Career, Personal Fulfillment, and Caregiving

Contributed by: Sharon Wagner Embarking on a journey that intertwines career aspirations, personal life satisfaction, and the responsibilities of caring for an aging loved one can often seem like a formidable challenge. The key lies in striking a harmonious balance that allows one to thrive in their professional life, cherish personal time, and provide compassionate [...]

Tennessee and Davidson County Property Tax Assistance Programs

Today’s blog will introduce a couple programs aimed to assist seniors and disabled individuals with property taxes. More detailed information on these programs is available here. The two programs are the tax freeze and tax relief programs for property taxes. Tax Freeze: The tax freeze program is exactly as it sounds. The program will freeze [...]

Make a Plan To Increase Your Physical Activity

As we continue with our New Year's Resolutions, it is important to make a plan get out and about and get some exercise! We found this article not long ago and felt it is a great time to share this information and re-emphasize the importance of physical activity in daily life. Shared with permission from: [...]