

Merry Christmas!

From all of us at Centennial Adultcare Center, we hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!! Just a brief reminder, we will close at 3 pm on Tuesday, December 24th and Tuesday, December 31st as well as be closed on Wednesday, December 25th and Wednesday, January 1s, in order to observe the holidays [...]

Alzheimer’s Disease and Sundowning

Sundowning, or sundown syndrome, affects some folks who have Alzheimer's illness and dementia. People with dementia who "sundown," encounter periods of increased confusion and agitation as the sun goes down; and occasionally through the night. Sundowning may prevent individuals with dementia from sleeping well. It might also make them more prone to wander. Sundowning is [...]

Stress and Memory Loss

There is a substantial body of evidence about the effects stress can have on your body, both short term, and long term.  When a person is placed in a stressful situation, there is a biochemical response in the body involving a plethora of hormones, and these hormones can have lasting effect on the body and [...]

Holiday Guests

Following Thanksgiving and now Christmas coming soon, followed shortly by New Year's, many of us will be having guests coming in from out-of-town to stay at our homes. Similarly, we may be spending time in the homes of others, churches, or auditoriums. Either way, this can easily throw off the normal daily routine for our [...]