

5 Ways Seniors Can Benefit From Pet Ownership

Contributed by: Sharon Wagner For seniors, pet ownership can be the answer to a happier, healthier life. Additionally, working with caregivers from Centennial Adultcare Center is a great way to get your senior loved ones what they need. Here’s why seniors often love having pets around, as well as a couple of pet care tips! [...]

Preventing Wheelchair Accidents

Contributed by Max Gottlieb, Content Manager for Senior Planning Sometimes, as a person progresses deeper into their senior years, they begin to face mobility issues they are unaccustomed to. Of course, wheelchairs are a great aid to move a senior from one place to the other, but they are also the cause of many injuries, [...]

Meeting Seniors Needs at Home

One of the hardest things about being a family caregiver is knowing when to step in and help. You want to keep your loved one safe, but you also don’t want to leave them feeling disrespected or infantilized. In the early stages of caregiving, many seniors can continue to complete activities independently with appropriate accommodations, [...]