

Stress and Memory Loss

There is a substantial body of evidence about the effects stress can have on your body, both short term, and long term.  When a person is placed in a stressful situation, there is a biochemical response in the body involving a plethora of hormones, and these hormones can have lasting effect on the body and [...]

Holiday Guests

Following Thanksgiving and now Christmas coming soon, followed shortly by New Year's, many of us will be having guests coming in from out-of-town to stay at our homes. Similarly, we may be spending time in the homes of others, churches, or auditoriums. Either way, this can easily throw off the normal daily routine for our [...]

Happy Thanksgiving

From the staff at Centennial Adultcare Center, we would like to wish everyone a safe and happy Thanksgiving later this week! We hope everyone can enjoy some time with friends and family, and eat their fill!

Dementia vs. Delirium

One of the most common mistakes made when it comes to a sudden change in a loved one’s cognitive status is to assume it is a normal part of aging. “Grandpa is getting senile.” Mom is just getting old.” Although cognitive abilities do tend to dull somewhat with age, it is not normal for someone [...]