

Tennessee and Davidson County Property Tax Assistance Programs

Today’s blog will introduce a couple programs aimed to assist seniors and disabled individuals with property taxes. More detailed information on these programs is available here. The two programs are the tax freeze and tax relief programs for property taxes. Tax Freeze: The tax freeze program is exactly as it sounds. The program will freeze [...]

Make a Plan To Increase Your Physical Activity

As we continue with our New Year's Resolutions, it is important to make a plan get out and about and get some exercise! We found this article not long ago and felt it is a great time to share this information and re-emphasize the importance of physical activity in daily life. Shared with permission from: [...]

New Year’s Resolutions

As we begin a new year, it is a great opportunity to take the symbolic new beginning to do something to better ourselves, or those around us this year. Many people make ‘New Year’s Resolutions’ to lose weight, or quit smoking, all of which are great ideas, but maybe make another resolution this year, to [...]

Happy New Year!

From all of us at Centennial Adultcare Center, we wish you a Happy New Year a few days early! May we all put the challenges of the past few years behind us, and may all your hopes and dreams come true in 2025!!