

Who cares for the caregiver?

I chose to post this article, because we at Centennial Adultcare Center see firsthand, the stresses put on caregivers on a daily basis. It is very important for caregivers to be helped as well. The following is a great article with some great tips and advice for the caregiver. Included below is a link to [...]

How to speak to the physician

A recurring problem we encounter with our families and caregivers at Centennial Adultcare Center is frustration with their physician in not “fixing” the difficulty they are having with their loved one. Many of this issue occur because their time with the physician is short, their loved one is often with them, and they often fail [...]

What Are The Different Kinds of Dementia?

It is truly helpful to understand there are multiple different types of dementia, all of which may present with different symptoms, and may have vastly different prognoses and treatment options. In general, there are 5 major groups; Primary, Secondary, Progressive, Cortical, and Subcortical Dementia. Classification in one of these groups is not exclusive of another [...]

The arrival of Autumn

Few seasons have inspired poetry and song as much as Autumn it seems. The crisp morning air, the changing colors of the leaves on the trees, the smell of ripening apples and the taste of the fall harvest, all the senses are stimulated with the arrival of Autumn.[quote_box author="William Shakespear" profession="Sonnet 73"]That time of year [...]