

Happy Thanksgiving

From the staff at Centennial Adultcare Center, we would like to wish everyone a safe and happy Thanksgiving later this week! We hope everyone can enjoy some time with friends and family, and eat their fill!

Dementia vs. Delirium

One of the most common mistakes made when it comes to a sudden change in a loved one’s cognitive status is to assume it is a normal part of aging. “Grandpa is getting senile.” Mom is just getting old.” Although cognitive abilities do tend to dull somewhat with age, it is not normal for someone [...]

Avoiding Mealtime Frustrations

In the course of caring for a loved one, often mealtimes can become increasingly challenging and frustrating as diseases progress. Whether it is progression of dementia or other cognitive disabilities, or increasing physical constraints, there are countless factors that can lead to difficulties at mealtime. There are some important issues to bear in mind and [...]

Social Isolation and Risk of Death

​It is an all too familiar story. "When Mom passed, we had Dad move in with us so we could be closer to him, and help take care of him. We both work during the day, but he enjoyed the peace and quiet at home. I don’t know how it happened; everything seemed to slip [...]