

Titans Visit 2012

We had a special surprise today; Steve and Mary Lou, devoted Tennessee Titans fans and longtime season ticket holders, had their season tickets delivered in person by two active Titans players, Dave Ball and Kameron Wimbley! All the staff and members had a blast with these two guys!

Zan’s 20th Anniversary

We had the great pleasure and honor today, to celebrate the 20th anniversary for our Lead Program Assistant, Zandra Phillips. She has been with us since the beginning and has seen us grow and change over the years. Here’s wishing you a bright and happy future, and another 20 years with us Zan!!

Choraliers – April 2012

We had the pleasure of being entertained by the Knowles Choraliers again today! They are a lively and spirited group of singers and musicians who light up the faces of our members here at Centennial Adultcare Center!

Christmas 2011

Merry Christmas from the staff at Centennial Adultcare Center. Thank you to all who were able to attend our holiday party this year. Santa only brought a lump of coal for Teresa this year!!