

Pain and Dementia

[quote_right]Irrespective of degree of cognitive impairment, the impact of untreated pain in older people can be devastating.[/quote_right]Pain in people with dementia is a critical public health problem. As the population of older adults’ increases, hospital nurses are more likely to encounter patients with dementia admitted for acute and often painful conditions. Indeed, nearly 50% of [...]

Supporting a Loved One After a Loss

Losing a spouse is a deeply emotional and challenging experience, particularly for individuals who have shared many years together. As a caring family member or friend, you can play a crucial role in helping them navigate this difficult journey. In this guide from Centennial Adultcare Center, we will explore practical ways to support your loved [...]

Reporting Nursing Home Abuse

Detecting the signs of elder abuse within a nursing home or assisted living facility can be very difficult. Unfortunately not all of us are able to see our loved ones on a weekly basis. When you do visit, be sure to ask how your loved one is feeling, and how they are being treated within [...]

Spring and Allergies

Springtime is finally coming . . . . I hope! Of course, along with the arrival of spring, come the pollen and all the other environmental allergens that can result in a runny nose, redden the eyes, scratchy throat, and so on. So, be vigilant! A scratchy throat can often be helped by increasing fluid [...]